Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sal Fasano will punch you, fine you and take your iPad after checking your "Face Book"

The Sons of Sal can't say "swag," either, but that's old news as we talked about in this interview. This list is posted in the clubhouse, near the food spread and on the bulletin board for everyone to see. If you ever wondered about player expectations here in Double-A -- and the evolving landscape of social media facing today's athletes -- the Fasano Edict pretty much covers everything. At least the important stuff. Tonight's music selection was up to Chad Jenkins. Personally, I think it's a pretty good list, though we need some clarification on facial hair (Sal Fasano Bobble Stache Night is June 24). Others on Twitter seem to love it. Click on the picture to enlarge:


bbacon24 said...

I wonder if Sal logs on daily to see if the players are abiding by that last rule.

Anonymous said...

Dill flavoured seeds are usually packed with monosodium glutamate (MSG). Cracked pepper or plain ole salted are safe and tasty. Watch what you eat or you may die soon